5th intermediate Ranking per 10.08.2019

The speed surfers arrived in Karpathos and with Anders Björkqvist from Sweden, Eric Groot van Ederen and Johan Huitema from the Netherlands and Christian Bornemann from Germany some top guys are participating in the Odyssey of Speed.

In particular Eric and Christian were pushing hard and scored some nice top results. Eric smashing out a 2 sec max. of 80,79 km/h and a 5x10sec. average of 74,13km/h and Christian to catch up with the top score on the 500m with 65,96 km/h (no ex equo with Alex Petikidis)

This year we see an incredibly high performance level in all categories. Also the greek speed elite is still in the game and Alex Petikidis, Philip Adamidis and Minos Efstathiadis had nice sessions, too.

The event is now in its decisive phase. Results are coming in every day and ranking will be updated now more regularly. Stay tuned!

The overall score board: 

  1. Alexandros Petikidis  16,7
  2. Eric Groot van Ederen 21,4
  3. Johnny Tuijn, 24,7

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Best Category results so far (per 10.08.2019)

Category Ranking

All posted session and results can be seen in the event section at GPS-SPEEDSURFING